Moving from Sweden to the UK

...with Type 1 Diabetes


You about to move? Are you, or the one close to you who are moving, a Type 1 Diabetic? If so, you probably have a lot of questions.

Rest assured, you are in the right place.

I am literally in the same boat. Most diabetics who have been abroad recognise the thoughts "Will this be enough insulin for the whole trip?", "What if I run out of XYZ equipment?", and "What if the security personal at the airport don't know what T1D is?".

As I am writing this, I am lost. I have studied in Scotland for four years and one year in Paris. I have travelled the world so I have learned how to speak to the airport security about my insulin pump (don't say the Spanish word for insulin pump at an airport..). But it is a whole other thing to make the transition from one healthcare service to another.

I am about to move to London to start my PhD. Such a commitment means giving up the Swedish healthcare system I know so well, and deep-diving into one I know very little about. Hopefully, I can shed some light on this quite dark and daughnting path and help you make fewer mistakes than I did!

That's my plan at least. To lay out all the information that I gather as I am preparing to move from Sweden to London with a particular focus on Type 1 Diabetes.